Friday, March 13, 2009


I am not real sure what to write about . After we are done with P90X i am empty . I have nothing on my mind besides rest . P90X is a lot of fun and i enjoy doing the work out each morning . I already get up at 4:00 AM and head to church and i can not make my self get up any earlier than that . We have added a few people this week so feel free to come join us for P90x IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL A LOT BETTER . I want to thank all the guys who get up each morning and come down and go through this me .

God Bless , Have a great day and a wonderful weekend

I want to thanks to all our men and women in the Armed Forces for all you do .

1 comment:

Philip said...

I decided not attended the P90X after I heard there was not an ambulance on call!

I too am thankful for those in our Armed Forces!